Wrestling Unknown Knowns: Better Investing

Department of Defense photo

Department of Defense photo

Remember Donald Rumsfeld, Defense Secretary from 2001 to 2006? In response to a reporter’s question about weapons of mass destruction, he offered us valuable epistemological insight into known knowns, known unknowns, and unknown unknowns. Here’s a link if you have 35 seconds to enjoy a little history.

Mr. Rumsfeld never mention unknown knowns, with which investors often wrestle. Continue reading

What Do You Do When You’re Ready to Retire, but She’s Not?

What Do You Do When You’re Ready to Retire, but She’s Not?

Some of you may have seen the Wall Street Journal special report on retirement earlier this week. Several topics were covered, and while we definitely plan to discuss a few of them, one article in particular grabbed my attention. A lot is written about where and how to retire, but this piece talked about a decision many of us take for granted… when to retire.  Continue reading

Remember that Office To-Do List?

Given all the aches and pains that intensify with age, it can be especially delightful to celebrate some things that were (or should be) left behind at the career place. Conquering the To-Do List in yesterday’s The Wall Street Journal may well deserve such a celebration. Many retirees gleefully toss out the old career-ladened to-do list, and despite Ms. Sue Shellenbarger’s excellent column, many of us can simply skip it. Now, back to that pain in my left shoulder …